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CopperCube 6 Game Engine Released (And Now Free)

CopperCube 6 Game Engine Released (And Now Free)

<div style="margin: 5px 5% 10px 5%;"><img src="" width="904" height="322" title="" alt="" /></div><div><p>To pieces of news in one post!  First off, today CopperCube 6 was just released.  Second, it is now also available for free!  If you are interested in learning more about this 3D game engine aimed at creating games with little to no programming, be sure to check out our CopperCube 5 hands-on video available <a href="">here</a>.</p>
<p>Of course, there has to be a catch… how are they going to make money to support continued development?  Well, there are upgraded versions available:</p>
<p><a href=""><img title="image" src="" alt="image" width="904" height="322" border="0" /></a></p>
<p>So basically the Free tier lacks post processing effects, video playback and a command line interface while requiring a splash screen.  The Studio version is the same as the pro version, except comes with the game client source code.</p>
<p>As to what is actually new in CopperCube 6, here is the feature list from the <a href="">forum announcement</a>:</p>
<p>– Post-Processing Effects <br />– Full FBX import with Animation <br />– New lighting system <br />– Unified colors and lighting <br />– DDS support <br />– WebGL 2 support <br />– Loading screen image <br />– Multi Selection <br />– WebGL automatic pointer lock <br />– Freeze Scale command <br />– Better Wireframe mode <br />– Automatic DirectX installer <br />– Scene Metrics tool <br />– Nicer User Interface <br />– More terrain generation options <br />– Lots of performance improvements <br />– Updated Lightmapper <br />– Improved OpenGL renderer <br />– Improved WebGL font rendering <br />– Automatic clip prevention for FPS camera children <br />– Preview of new D3D 11 renderer (alpha, not public yet)<br />– and many more smaller new features</p>
<p>Full change log available <a href="">here</a>.  CopperCube is already available for <a href="">download on Steam</a>, weighing in at just under 100mb.  CopperCube is available on MacOS and Windows, sorry Linux users.</p>
<p align="center">[embedded content]</p>
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