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Pokemon Scarlet And Violet Breeding And Egg Power Guide:

<p>Because it's Gen 9, there's a new breeding method in <a href="">Pokemon Scarlet and Violet</a>. The older ways of Gold and Silver allowing trainers to breed new Pokemon with perfect IVs, natures, abilities, and max shiny odds, but the Paldea region is a "no daycare zone" that swaps nurseries and incense for a DIY picnic setup. The new system is designed to stir creativity within social circles and aid stat builds and competitive monster-making so before you break out the Peanut Butter &amp; Jam Sandwiches, here's a brief explainer on how breeding eggs works in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. For science, of course!</p><p>For more on Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, read our guides on <a href="">Food Buffs</a> and <a href="">How To Evolve Charcadet</a>.</p><div data-embed-type="toc"><span><strong>Table of Contents</strong> [<a href="">hide</a>]</span><ul id="toc_list" class="collapse in"><li><a href="">How breeding works in Scarlet and Violet</a></li></ul></div><h2 id="How_breeding_works_in_Scarlet_and_Violet">How breeding works in Scarlet and Violet</h2><p>Instead of leaving two compatible Pokemon in a Day Care (or Nursery), players can now spawn new Pokemon wherever they set up a picnic in the open world. All that's required in Scarlet and Violet is two Pokemon (one male, one female) who belong to the same Egg Group, a flat surface in a non-town area, and a scenic backdrop for ambiance. Eggs will start to slowly appear over time in a basket near the picnic table and while rolling hills and Tauros might get in your way, trainers can increase their egg frequency with Meal Powers or use a Mirror Herb item to pass down other Egg Moves.</p><a href="">Continue Reading at GameSpot</a>