Sick Gaming

Full Version: D0rkMan Staff App.
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1. Steam Profile Link:
2. What time zone are you in? Central
3. Why do you want to become staff? So I can Help And Protect A Server That I Love.
4. How would we benefit from you becoming staff? I Am Experienced With Mod In Other Servers That I Haved Played On ,And Other Games.
5. What experience do you have with being staff? I am Always On the Fourms 24/7 Even If I am Not Online. I know Most Of the Rules On DarkRP And When It Come To Banning I Just Don't Ban, I warm Them Before. I Was Mod On Imported RP When it Use To Up.
6. Do you Know how to use ULX? Yes I do. It ain't Hard To Use Of Course.
7. How old are you? 15, About to Turn 16
8. How much time will you be putting into this server a week? I will Try To put Most Of My Time After School And Practice To The Server. As Much As Possible.
9. Will you be able to get a long with our current staff? Yes, Even Though I am Very Quiet.
(09-10-2016, 10:50 PM)kingchris23 Wrote: [ -> ]Hmmm...... I like your staff app, let me talk to sick and Senpai

Thank You Very Much.   
Pretty good application, use to see you on pretty often. Not here lately. Stick with us. maybe the rest of the staff will notice you.