09-10-2016, 08:02 PM
1. Steam Profile Link: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198075609129/ -STEAM_0:1:57671700
2. What time zone are you in? Central Time Zone
3. Why do you want to become staff?
I want to become a staff member because currently I am the Owner of 2 servers and work for many more. I am very good at my job and I know what I am doing. What I have so far on the server seems fun and I have been helping out ever since I joined. Staffing for servers is almost like a life stile for me. Its a job but not a job at the same time. Staffing is a fun thing not a pain. I helping people is what I do. I didn't even know the server long and I was already wanting to help it out. My friend was even going to troll on the server and I tried to tell the staff. So this proves If someone does something wrong they will be punished in a way. It might be a warn but I also give out Verbals.
4. How would we benefit from you becoming staff?
As I said before I own 2 servers and work for many more. I'm good at doing my job and I know how to do it. I have helped the server many times such as making the game more better and more player friendly.
5. What experience do you have with being staff? Please provide detailed list, along with the servers you have had experience on. (IF ANY)
There are many so I'm only going to list a few.
Zinc gaming(DarkRp) WraithGaming (DarkRp) GroxGaming Global - Kingdom - Military - PrisonRp
6. Do you Know how to use ULX?
7. How old are you?
14 Yes I sound and act a lot older.
8. How much time will you be putting into this server a week?
I will put a decent amount of time on the server but since I am on many other servers It will be not a lot. But It still will be a lot in way. Each of my servers I have over 3w on them all. (Ps I do have a life )
9. Will you be able to get a long with our current staff?
So far Yes but it depends if they follow the rules correctly.
Any questions or things I need to change Msg me and I will fix it as soon as possible
2. What time zone are you in? Central Time Zone
3. Why do you want to become staff?
I want to become a staff member because currently I am the Owner of 2 servers and work for many more. I am very good at my job and I know what I am doing. What I have so far on the server seems fun and I have been helping out ever since I joined. Staffing for servers is almost like a life stile for me. Its a job but not a job at the same time. Staffing is a fun thing not a pain. I helping people is what I do. I didn't even know the server long and I was already wanting to help it out. My friend was even going to troll on the server and I tried to tell the staff. So this proves If someone does something wrong they will be punished in a way. It might be a warn but I also give out Verbals.
4. How would we benefit from you becoming staff?
As I said before I own 2 servers and work for many more. I'm good at doing my job and I know how to do it. I have helped the server many times such as making the game more better and more player friendly.
5. What experience do you have with being staff? Please provide detailed list, along with the servers you have had experience on. (IF ANY)
There are many so I'm only going to list a few.
Zinc gaming(DarkRp) WraithGaming (DarkRp) GroxGaming Global - Kingdom - Military - PrisonRp
6. Do you Know how to use ULX?
7. How old are you?
14 Yes I sound and act a lot older.
8. How much time will you be putting into this server a week?
I will put a decent amount of time on the server but since I am on many other servers It will be not a lot. But It still will be a lot in way. Each of my servers I have over 3w on them all. (Ps I do have a life )
9. Will you be able to get a long with our current staff?
So far Yes but it depends if they follow the rules correctly.
Any questions or things I need to change Msg me and I will fix it as soon as possible