Sick Gaming

Full Version: Rockets Staff Application.
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What is your steam Profile Link?

What time zone are you in?
Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Why do you want to become staff?
I want to become staff because I see that this server is very empty, and the staff are mostly inactive when I am on. And I would like to fix that and make this a better community/server.

How many hours do you have on GMOD?
I have 400 hours on this account. I have to steam accounts. But I have abandoned my last one and am using this one. But, I have 644 on the other, which makes 1044 hours on GMOD.

How would we benefit from you becoming staff?
You would benefit by having more staff on whenever most admins arent on. So you would have another trustworthy member on your staff team.

What experience do you have with being staff? Please provide detailed list, along with the servers you have had experience on.
I have been staff on, Envision, TropicalRP, and a server I cant remember.       -_-
I am very familiar with ULX and the basic commands, but I am new to the AWARN2 system.

Do you Know how to use ULX?

How old are you?
13 yr old squeeker. I wont use my mic much.

Do you have a mic?

Are you able to type in a legible format?
yes I can.

How much time will you be putting into this server a week?
more than 2 hours a day.

Will you be able to get a long with our current staff?
If I ever get to meet them, yes.
umm well i havent seen you on but i like the app +support
Okay, have seen you on in the past. Not very often anymore. Adding more details on think could make your application look a lot better also. Stay active also. Only way we know you stick around.