Sick Gaming

Full Version: Pauls - T-Mod
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1. Steam Profile Link:
2. What time zone are you in? Eastern
3. Why do you want to become staff? Because, My old servers I was Admin on sadly ended and I see alot of potential in this server.
4. How many hours do you have on GMOD? Over 600(all of these hours were played)
5. How would we benefit from you becoming staff? Because, You would have a experienced Trial-Mod. 
6. What experience do you have with being staff? Please provide detailed list, along with the servers you have had experience on. Magnum Gaming(Ended) Upago(Hijacked)
7. Do you Know how to use ULX? Yes, I have binds.
8. How old are you? 15
9. Do you have a mic? Yes
10. Are you able to type in a legible format? Yes
11. How much time will you be putting into this server a week? As soon as i get home 4pm - 10pm
12. Will you be able to get a long with our current staff? Perfectly Fine.