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Full Version: Hugh Mungus's Staff Application
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1. Steam Profile Link: (Please use method above)

Answer :

2. What time zone are you in?

Answer : Pacific

3. Why do you want to become staff?

Answer : Ive had multiple expiriences as admin, head-admin, mod, head-mod, and even owner. Ive left all of that to go out and help other servers sprout into the popular DarpRP Servers they should be, being i only have helped in DarkRp.

4. How many hours do you have on GMOD?

Answer : 215 hours. Ive had 3 other accounts that have gmod on it but both were hijacked, or hacked and tooken over. so if i were to guess how many hours ive had on gmod it would be somewhere between the numbers 600-1000 hours minimum to greatest.

5. How would we benefit from you becoming staff?

Answer : I would be extremely active most of the time, ill be very delicate in making decision with player vs. player conflict, i would be extremely friendly but still be strict when it comes to rules, and would have a strong relation ship with constant server visitors, along with staff.

6. What experience do you have with being staff? Please provide detailed list, along with the servers you have had experience on. (IF ANY)

Answer : once again, ive helped on many servers, if i could tell you some servers ive helped on i surely would, but i dont have them on my favorites anymore, once ive finished helping them as mcuh as i can, even when it came to money, i was there. I will do my best to find the servers ive helped on if this List really requires it. (Servers that ive played on, ONY THIS ACCOUNT, -,,,, Most of these have little to no players being theve not been having the best player count in their server carrier, but the last one was pretty good, i also played on a server that went down about a year ago called MarZ Gaming, in wich was my best expirience as head-admin ive ever had, im hoping this give as good answer)

7. Do you Know how to use ULX?

Answer : Unfortunatley, no. Im not good with plaugins, server issues when it comes to files etc. but as i said, im very experienced with doing what my job is said to do, especially when i have the neccisary toold and commands to do so, such as ban, temp ban, freeze, kick, kill, wr, tp, etc. the basic commands neccisary for staff ofcourse.

8. How old are you?

Answer : Technacly i am 13 years old in my freshman year of high school, im turning 14 this year in 1 month as of writing this Application, on October 22.

9. Do you have a mic?

Answere : yes, i have a small youtube channel aswell that has encouraged me to get a high quality microphone. *for the record, i am good at editing, as unrelavent as this is, just wanted to put it out there*

10. Are you able to type in a legible format?

Answere : yes

11. How much time will you be putting into this server a week?

Answere being i have school and all, i have a class called, band, or musical Ensemble and colorgaurd. I would get our of school around 2:47 or 3:05 but i have a mandatory stay until 6:00 pm everyday eccept on tuesdays. I also get go to band rehersals on saturdays that srtech from 4:00 am to 10:00 pm so itll be tuff for me to spend as much time on this server than
ive spent of the other servers ive played on, ofcourse i will do my best to ensure my time on the server will do more than great progress.
Good application. You were accepted by the staff in game. Congrats. Keep the server clean buddy. /Closed