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Full Version: Silvers App
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1. Steam Profile Link:
2. What time zone are you in?UTC+02:00
3. Why do you want to become staff?Cause i think its time for me to apply on ur server and i want to try my best to help out this server to become better and to have more players on daily
4. How many hours do you have on GMOD? i have 65 hours on this account,78 hours on second account and 256 on main acount u might think its not much but i can show u that i have the ability to take care of ur server.
5. How would we benefit from you becoming staff? im not saying that im better then anyone but but whats good about me is im mature,fast and smart these are the most important 3 to become an admin
6. What experience do you have with being staff? Please provide detailed list, along with the servers you have had experience on. (IF ANY) ive become staff on alot of servers like ViceRP,Starborn And fantacyRP.
7. Do you Know how to use ULX?Yes
8. How old are you?17
9. Do you have a mic?Yes
10. Are you able to type in a legible format?Yes.
11. How much time will you be putting into this server a week?Everyday in school days all time after school in weekends all the time.
12. Will you be able to get a long with our current staff? Ofcourse I like making new friends.
1 more thing i will be doing yt videos
So are you trying to give me access to them on
Look man your application is too short i have not seen you on Thank you for applying