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Community Focus – CraftingGeek

<div style="margin: 5px 5% 10px 5%;"><img src="" width="1080" height="1080" title="" alt="" /></div><div><div>Our focus this week is a crafty individual. No, not that <a href="" title="" target="">Kraftyy</a>! This Guardian is crafty in an artistic way. We’ve had many creative people as the focus of our community, but this is our first artist whose preferred medium is cross-stitching. CraftingGeek wields a needle as her favorite weapon outside the game to create Destiny arts and crafts. This is not your grandma’s needlepoint. </div>
<p>Please meet CraftingGeek, a.k.a. Jess. </p>
<p><strong>Tell us a little bit about yourself and your role in the Destiny community.</strong></p>
<p><strong>CraftingGeek</strong>: My name is Jess, and my little corner of the Destiny community is making crafts, usually something to do with cross-stitching. When it comes to making Destiny crafts, I have a basic philosophy of “Saw it. Liked it. Had to cross-stitch it.” Apparently it works, because I’ve made thirty projects or so.</p>
<p><strong>That is a lot of projects. Where can we see them?</strong></p>
<div><strong>CraftingGeek</strong>: I’m always posting my works in progress and finished projects on <a href="" title="" target="">Instagram</a> and <a href="" title="" target="">Twitter</a>.</div>
<p><strong>What are your favorite subclass and weapon?</strong></p>
<p><strong>CraftingGeek</strong>: Well, I’m a Warlock through and through, and I’m partial to the Stormcaller subclass. As for my favorite weapon, that would be my fist, because, uh, I tend to run into a place just like my hero Leeroy Jenkins to find a mess of trouble. I just try punching everything. (It usually doesn’t work.) If I manage to control my impulsiveness, then you’ll find me with my Nameless Midnight.</p>
<p><strong>Leeroy Jenkins, the hero we deserve. What are some of your favorite Destiny-related creations?</strong></p>
<div><strong>CraftingGeek</strong>: There are a few projects that have remained my favorites over the years. The Sparrow Racing League banner is near the top of that list, because I just adore the color scheme. Some of the most fun ones I have stitched are recreations of pixel art created by <a href="" title="" target="">Christopher Barrett</a> and a great artist named <a href="" title="" target="">Spykles</a>. And I loved working on the three class crests this summer—it helped pass the time before Destiny 2 was released, and I just love how they turned out.</div>
<div><img src=";av=4141671980" /></div>
<p>Sparrow Racing League banner</p>
<div><img src=";av=4141671980" /></div>
<p>Guardian Pixel Art</p>
<div><img src=";av=4141671980" /></div>
<p>Cayde Pixel Art</p>
<div><img src=";av=4141671980" /></div>
<p>Titan Crest</p>
<p><strong>Those all look great! Do you have any works in progress or future plans you want to tease out?</strong></p>
<p><strong>CraftingGeek</strong>: Currently, I’m running a yearlong craft-along project based around the Destiny 2 emblems. By the end, there will be forty-eight emblems, which will be my biggest Destiny-themed project to date. Outside of the emblems, making something to celebrate the release of the Curse of Osiris is a given. And I’m absolutely going to be stitching some snowflakes to celebrate the return of the Dawning this year.</p>
<div><img src=";av=4141671980" /></div>
<p>Destiny 2 Emblems</p>
<p><strong>We can’t wait to see how those turn out. What has been your favorite thing about Destiny 2 so far?</strong></p>
<p><strong>CraftingGeek</strong>: While the amazing artwork is so influential to my crafts, the soundtrack is my favorite part of Destiny 2. It captures the magic of the world of Destiny so well, and anyone who knows me knows I love a great video game soundtrack. “Holliday” and “Riptide” are a couple of my favorite tracks, but really, the entire score is awesome. Plus, as an added bonus, I can listen to the music while making Destiny crafts. </p>
<p><strong>Many will agree with you on the quality of the soundtrack and how much it improves gameplay. Anything else you want to say while you’re here?</strong></p>
<p><strong>CraftingGeek</strong>: I just want to say thank you to this wonderful community. Over the years, so many people have shown their enthusiasm for the projects I have made, and I am so grateful for their support and kindness. Thank you to all the artists over at Bungie who create such awesomeness, which helps fuel the fires of creativity. And last but not least, thanks to you and DeeJ for always being fantastic and never minding when I drop the occasional request for some random hi-res image so I can make some new project from it.</p>
<p><strong>If you are willing to spend the time to cross-stitch them, we’ll make sure you have the images!</strong></p>
<div>Big thanks to CraftingGeek for sharing her projects with us. Make sure you follow her on <a href="" title="" target="">Twitter</a> and <a href="" title="" target="">Instagram</a> to keep up with what she is working on.</div>
<p>We are always taking suggestions about whom you would like to see us focus on here. You can post on our Community forum with the #CommunityFocus tag for a chance at seeing your suggestion picked. </p>