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Humble-hosted Jingle Jam raises $5.2 million for charity

<div style="margin: 5px 5% 10px 5%;"><img src="" width="200" height="200" title="" alt="" /></div><div><p>The Yogscast and Humble Bundle’s annual Jingle Jam game bundle has raised a total of $5.2 million for charity, bringing the lifetime funds raised by the event to $11 million.</p>
<p>Typically, Humble Bundles allow purchasers to divide and distribute their payment between Humble itself, charity, and game developers. But, in the case of the Jingle Jam, over 50 game developers and publishers donated more than 60 different titles in order for the entire amount raised by the bundle to go straight to charity. </p>
<p>The full bundle was unlocked for a $35 minimum donation and offered players roughly $850 worth of titles for their contribution. Humble saw as many as 148,853 individual bundle sales through its platform during the month-long sale. This year marks the sixth year of the event, with last year’s Jingle Jam raising a total of $2.6 million through 86,589 sales. </p>
<p>The funds are set to go to seven charities that were supported by the event, though donors were also given the option to donate to any of 3,000 other optional charities as well.</p>