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This Week at Bungie – 5/10/2018

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<p>This week at Bungie, we launched Warmind.</p>
<p>Guardians are breaking new ground on Mars, meeting up with Ana Bray to investigate the mysteries of Rasputin. If you haven’t had a chance to dive in yet, we have a trailer to serve as your mission briefing.</p>
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<p>We’re not done yet. Another activity is going live tomorrow…</p>
<h2>Spire of Stars</h2>
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<p>Your next raiding adventure goes live on May 11 at 10 a.m. PDT. If you think you’re ready, line up at the starting line to make an attempt at becoming World First to complete the new raid lair, “Spire of Stars.” We’ll be watching and cheering you on as you travel back to the Leviathan to face a new challenge.</p>
<p>[embedded content]</p>
<p>We’ll be standing by to congratulate the first fireteam to complete the activity. Good luck out there, Guardians!</p>
<h2>Trials </h2>
<p>The raid lair is not the only activity going live tomorrow. Trials of the Nine will return at 10 a.m. PDT with new Season 3 rewards. Here is what you can expect to earn as you battle other players for access to the Spire.</p>
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<div>This season will not feature new armor ornaments for Trials, but we are working on more for the future. In the meantime, those of you who enjoy Crucible play can earn new ornaments in our <a href="" title="" target="">Valor and Glory Ranks</a>.</div>
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<h2>Bungie Versus</h2>
<p>Next week, we are firing up the streaming studio again. This won’t be a reveal stream or a Bungie Bounty—we’ve been challenged in the ways of old by a player who claims he can defeat a Bungie Community Manager in the fires of the Crucible. PopeBear, one of the hosts of the popular Destiny Community Podcast, has bravely stepped up to go against Dmg04 in a friendly 1v1 match in Destiny 2. The stream kicks off at 6 p.m. PDT on May 16.</p>
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<p>That won’t be the only bout. Immediately following the 1v1, Dmg04 and Pope will each be reinforced by three of their peers for a best-of-three challenge: Bungie Versus Destiny Community Podcast. Here are the lineups: </p>
<p><strong>Team Destiny Community Podcast</strong></p>
<p>1. PopeBear </p>
<p>2. Ms 5ooo Watts</p>
<p>3. TeftyTeft</p>
<p>4. TheBriarRabbit</p>
<p><strong>Team Bungie</strong></p>
<p>1. Dmg04</p>
<p>2. Cozmo</p>
<p>3. Josh Hamrick</p>
<p>4. ???</p>
<p>All matches will take place in Private Matches. Game types will be chosen on the stream. May the best team win!</p>
<div>Who do you think is going to come out on top in the 1v1 match? I have a <a href="" title="" target="">poll</a> going that you can vote in. My pick is Dmg04, but I do admire PopeBear’s resolve.</div>
<div>You have my respect<a href="" title="" target="">,</a> PopeBear. I hope they remember you.</div>
<h2>In the Know</h2>
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<p>As new updates go live, Destiny Player Support is actively responding to issues and giving you the information you need. </p>
<p>This is their report.</p>
<p><strong>Known Issues</strong></p>
<p>Since the release of Warmind, Destiny Player Support has been all hands on deck troubleshooting issues reported to the #Help forum. The following issues have been confirmed, and teams are actively investigating solutions.</p>
<li>Clan XP Milestone Rewards: We have identified an issue where players are not receiving Powerful Engrams when completing the Clan XP Milestone.</li>
<li>Players are instead rewarded with Legendary Engrams, granting rewards under 340 Power.</li>
<li>Crucible Fireteam Matchmaking: Due to issues discovered at launch, Crucible Fireteam Matchmaking changes introduced in Update 1.2.0 were temporarily disabled.</li>
<li>A portion of this feature has been enabled. This will slightly improve the matchmaking experience for solo players vs. pre-made fireteams in Crucible playlists.</li>
<li>Rat King: Due to an issue impacting Rat King, we have temporarily disabled access to this weapon.</li>
<li>Players may experience issues if they currently have the weapon equipped.</li>
<li>Signing out and back in to Destiny 2 will resolve these issues.</li>
<li>Strike Pursuits: We are aware of and investigating issues where strikes may not be tracked correctly for some in-game pursuits.</li>
<li>If you run into this issue, follow the mitigation steps. </li>
<li>Console Performance: We are currently investigating player reports regarding impacted performance on some consoles following Update 1.2.0.</li>
<li>Contender’s Shell Engrams: Players have reported that the Contender’s Shell is awarding Illuminated Engrams from Season 2.</li>
<li>Robes of Sekris: We are investigating an issue that prevents the lower portions of the Robes of Sekris from displaying properly in game.</li>
<li>Shadow Dance and Salute Emotes: We are investigating an issue that may be preventing the Shadow Dancer or Salute emotes from being accessible in the Emote Collection of players that own the license for these emotes.</li>
<li>Season 3 Emblems: We are investigating an issue in which stowed Season 3 emblems may not be showing up in the Emblem Collection for players who do not own Warmind.</li>
<li>Gunsmith Mods: We are investigating an issue preventing players from purchasing some legendary mods from the Gunsmith.</li>
<li>Boon of the Vanguard/Crucible: We are investigating an issue where the Boon of the Vanguard and the Boon of the Crucible are not currently available on their respective vendors.</li>
<li>Joining Allies: We are investigating reports from players who get stuck in an endless “Joining Allies” loop when playing in Strikes. Players encountering this issue should report to the #Help forum and include any video footage they have of this issue.</li>
<p><strong>Destiny 2 Hotfix</strong></p>
<p>To address Rat King and a number of issues detailed above, Destiny Update is currently in development. Our current release date target is Tuesday, May 15, 2018. We’ll have more information on when to expect the Hotfix to become available for download and which issues will be addressed.</p>
<p><strong>Destiny Companion API: Players Unable to See Characters or Inventory</strong></p>
<p>We are aware of reports that players are unable to inspect their characters or inventory on, the Destiny Companion App, or through third-party applications.</p>
<p>A potential workaround is to sign in to all created Destiny 2 characters that are linked to your account. If you have created characters on multiple platforms, you will need to sign in to every available character.</p>
<div>This issue is planned to be resolved with Destiny Hotfix Stay tuned to <a href="" title="" target="">@BungieHelp</a> on Twitter for updates.</div>
<h2>Perfectly Balanced</h2>
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<p>Let’s check in on our weekly visit to the Creations page to see what cool movies the community has put together.</p>
<p><strong>Movie of the Week</strong>: Answering the Protocol</p>
<p>[embedded content]</p>
<p><strong>Honorable Mention</strong>: Funnies</p>
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<p>This was a short one. We know you have new things to do and items to earn, so we won’t keep you away from the game with a lot of words. We’re monitoring your feedback on anything and everything you’re playing in the update and keeping track of the changes you’re enjoying and what you think could be better in the future.</p>
<p>Have fun in the raid lair tomorrow. We’ll be watching.</p>
<p><strong>&lt;3 Cozmo</strong></p>