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Full Version: pyRenamer - Easy Mass/Directory Rename tool for Ubuntu/Debian based systems
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pyRenamer – the easy way out
Finally, the solution that all the anti-console users have been waiting for: a desktop application where everything can be done with a simple click of the mouse. pyRenamer is a crazy-powerful file renaming tool written in Python. At the moment, the official website seems to be down, but users of Ubuntu and its derivatives can still install pyRenamer from the repositories using the command:
sudo apt-get install pyrenamer
Alternatively, you can compile it using this forked code from GitHub.
[Image: linux-rename-files-pyrenamer.jpg]
The interface consists of four parts:
  1. a tree-view file browser for selecting files and folders
  2. a central preview pane showing the filenames before and after renaming
  3. a tabbed control area for choosing the rename criteria
  4. the Options sidebar
pyRenamer can remove accents and duplicate symbols from filenames, replace any string of text with another, change filenames to uppercase, lowercase or sentence case, and automatically insert or remove spaces and underscores. Beginners will love it, because all this can simply be selected in the tabbed area, previewed in the main area and confirmed by clicking Rename. If they wish to experiment with patterns, pyRenamer provides a cheatsheet to make it easier.
[Image: linux-rename-files-pyrenamer3.jpg]
Advanced users will appreciate pyRenamer’s ability to rename multimedia files by reading from their metadata. It’s also possible to manually rename a single file when a batch rename is unnecessary.

In essence, pyRenamer wraps the functionality of
commands into a user-friendly GUI. It’s a great choice for those who aren’t confident in their CLI skills.
Of course, there are other ways to rename files in Linux – by writing a script, for example, or by using other tools similar to pyRenamer. What do you use to rename your files? Share your tips and tricks in the comments.