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The Zachtronics devs discuss the essence of cyberpunk in Exapunks

<div style="margin: 5px 5% 10px 5%;"><img src="" width="200" height="200" title="" alt="" /></div><div><p>If you’re a fan of Zachtronics’ playable machine systems, you probably already know they’ve released a new coding simulator called <em>Exapunks </em>in the last month.  After the fantastical logic of <em>Opus Magnum</em>, it’s a return to the programmatic roots of <em>Shenzen I/O</em> and <em>TIS-100</em>, which means when talking to developers Zach Barth &amp; Matthew Burns about making the game (as we did earlier on the Gamasutra Twitch channel), we wound up talking to them about making coding languages too. </p>
<p>For those curious about how <u><em>Exapunks</em></u> was constructed, and why its creators did a lot of research into ’90s hacking culture and the original essence of cyberpunk, you can now watch our full conversation with Barth &amp; Burns in the video linked up above. </p>
<p>And while you’re at it, be sure to <a href="">follow the Gamasutra Twitch channel</a> for more developer interviews and editor roundtables. </p>