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Fortnite Season 8 Is Approaching, And Earthquakes Have Begun Occurring In-Game

<p>With Season 7 of <a href="">Fortnite</a> winding down and a new season on the horizon, strange phenomena have once again begun occurring in the hit battle royale game. Epic Games typically heralds the arrival of each new season with some kind of world-changing event, so this isn't entirely surprising. This time, however, the developer is literally shaking things up, as players have begun to experience earthquakes while playing.</p><p>Following the release of game's 7.30 update, dataminers discovered audio files indicating some sort of earthquake event would occur in the game (via <a href="">Fortnite Insider</a>). It appears the tremors have started, as players on Twitter and Reddit are posting clips of the map spontaneously quaking in the middle of a match.</p><div data-embed-type="tweet" data-src=""><blockquote align="center" class="twitter-tweet" data-conversation="none" data-mce-disable-toolbar="true"><p dir="ltr">EARHQUAKE FOOTAGE:<br />FORTNITE IS NOW HAVING EARTHQUAKES. <a href=""></a></p> — Sphex (@sphexgames2) <a href="^tfw">February 5, 2019</a></blockquote><text></text></div><p>The aforementioned audio files were labeled as "small," "med," and "lrg," suggesting the tremors players are experiencing in the game will only continue to grow in strength as we approach Season 8. As for what they could mean for the new season, that remains anyone's guess at this point, although it'll likely result in some portion of the map being dramatically transformed.</p><p>Season 7 of Fortnite is set to end on February 28 according to Epic's <a href="">website</a>, which means you only have a little time left to complete any outstanding challenges and unlock this season's skins and other rewards. If you need help mopping up any remaining tasks, you can find tips and guides in our <a href="">complete Season 7 challenges roundup</a>.</p><p>In other Fortnite news, Epic recently rolled out the game's <a href="">7.30 content update</a>, which introduced another new item to the game: Bottle Rockets. The developer also tweaked environmental campfires so they can be lit to restore health and kicked off another limited-time mode.</p>