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Suicide Squad 2: Will Smith Drops Out

<p>The upcoming Suicide Squad sequel has lost one of its biggest stars. <a href="">Sources told Variety</a> that Smith, who played Deadshot in the 2016 <a href="">Oscar winning film</a>, is not expected to return for the follow-up reportedly due in part to scheduling issues.</p><p>Smith and Warner Bros. reportedly parted ways amicably. It's also worth nothing that Smith was never even officially confirmed to return as Deadshot in Suicide Squad 2. According to the report, producers wanted Smith and Margot Robbie, who played Harley Quinn, to return for the sequel. No official casting announcements about Suicide Squad 2 have been made as of yet, however.</p><div data-embed-type="tweet" data-src=""><blockquote align="center" class="twitter-tweet" data-conversation="none" data-mce-disable-toolbar="true"><p dir="ltr">One item I forgot to add to story, sources say execs are now deciding whether they will recast the role or replace Deadshot with a different character from the DC universe to join the team in sequel</p> — Justin Kroll (@krolljvar) <a href="^tfw">February 28, 2019</a></blockquote><text></text></div><p>Suicide Squad might not have been a critical hit, but it made <a href="">$746 million</a> at the global box office, which basically guaranteed a sequel. As mentioned, it won an Oscar--<a href="">for Makeup and Hairstyling</a>.</p><p>The sequel is to be written and directed by James Gunn, who directed the Guardians of the Galaxy movies before Disney fired him. Production on Suicide Squad 2 is expected to begin this fall, and the movie has a release date of August 6, 2021.</p><p> </p>