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GDevelop 5 Beta 66 Released

<div><p>GDevelop, the open source 2d game engine I dubbed <a href="">“the Ultimate Beginner Engine</a>” just had another release, bringing it to version 5.0 beta 66.&nbsp; This release brings several new features including new tweening capabilities, the ability to save your project to multiple projects to be more version control friendly and a new experimental video object.</p>
<p>Full details of the release from the <a href="">release notes</a>:</p>
<h4>New features</h4>
<li>New behavior: <strong>Tween</strong>, to animate objects position/angle/properties (thanks <a href="">@Wend1go</a>!)
<li>See “Pairs” starter game for an example of using tweens to animate objects. </li>
<li>Tweens are run using <a href="">Shifty.js</a> tween engine (thanks <a href="">@jeremyckahn</a>). </li>
<li>Add support for <strong>saving a project as multiple files</strong>, ideal for <em>team work</em> and using version control systems (like git, mercurial, svn, etc…Wink
<li>In the game properties, choose “Multiples files” and save the project. </li>
<li>Layouts, external events, external layouts and functions will be saved into different <em>json</em> files. </li>
<li><em>Make sure to make a <strong>backup</strong> of your game!</em>. </li>
<li>Be sure not to erase any of the multiple files, or GDevelop will be unable to open again your project. </li>
<li>New option: <strong>Extract Events to a Function</strong>, to automatically create a function from selected event(s).
<li>Select an event, right click and choose <em>Extract Events to a Function</em> in the menu. Parameters will be automatically filled with objects, behaviors and groups. </li>
<li><a href="">Read more about it on the wiki</a>. </li>
<li>Experimental new object: <strong>Video</strong> (thanks <a href="">@Bouh</a>!) </li>
<li>Add variable and object thumbnail icons in the event sheet (thanks <a href="">@blurymind</a>!) </li>
<li>Add tooltips in the scene editor, when hovering an instance (thanks <a href="">@blurymind</a>!) </li>
<li>Autosave is now made for the project when a preview is launched (thanks <a href="">@blurymind</a>!)
<li>If the editor crash, or the autosave is more recent than the file, GDevelop will ask if you want to open the autosave. </li>
<li>Autosave is created next to the original file, with a “.autosave” extension. </li>
<li>Update rendering engine to Pixi.js v4.8.6 </li>
<li>Add checkboxes to filters by conditions/actions in the Events Search (thanks <a href="">@Bouh</a>!) </li>
<li>Show object name in menu when pasting and show hint if pasting as global (thanks <a href="">@blurymind</a>!) </li>
<li>Add setting to set the maximum framerate (FPS) of the game. Default is ~60fps. </li>
<li>Show resource name when hovering thumbnail (thanks <a href="">@blurymind</a>!) </li>
<li>Improve events function performance </li>
<li>Add support for groups inside events functions. </li>
<li><a href="">Updated translations</a>. </li>
<h4>Bug fixes</h4>
<li>Disable some menu items (disable event/adding subevent) if not applicable (thanks <a href="">@blurymind</a>!) </li>
<li>Fix crash when choosing a folder for a new game </li>
<li>Fix color picker in the scene properties (thanks <a href="">@KinkGD</a>!) </li>
<li>Update link to Discord channel (thanks <a href="">@Bouh</a>!) </li>
<li>Avoid crashes due to clipboard handling </li>
<li>Fix crash when using the resource editor in the web-app </li>
<p>You can learn more and download <a href="">GDevelop here</a>.&nbsp; It is an open source MIT licensed (core library, IDE is GPLv3) project hosted here <a href="">on GitHub</a>.</p>
<p class="under"> <span class="categories"><a href="">GameDev News</a></span> <span class="tags"><a href="" rel="tag">2D</a></span> </p>