Sick Gaming

Full Version: Rocket League Monthly 3v3 Tournament (US) - CASH PRIZES - Item Giveaways - and more!
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Hello everyone.

Welcome to SickGaming's Official Monthly 3v3 Rocket League Tournament! (US)

I've been collecting tons of items throughout my years of playing Rocket League and I've decided to give it back to the community.
(Not without a little work)
Through winning this tournament, you can get your hands on some mula, or some awesome UNIQUE in game items.
I'm ranked CHAMP, so there's not much more to this game for me besides getting some people together of similar interest, and battling it out. (In a tournament) It's nicer to have comms but not a MUST. At least be competent with Quick-Chat call outs.

Tournament Info
Dates: March 7, 2020 (Every First Saturday of the Month!)
Time: 9 PM - 11 PM EST
Servers: US
Bracket Size: 7 So far!
Best of 1, Semi-Finals Best of 3
DFH Stadium

1st Place Prize: $100 Paypal/Facebook
2nd Place Prize: 15 Rare Items or Higher
3rd Place Prize: 15 Low Level Items

We are always accepting new teams.

If you wish to enter.
Comment below with the following criteria.

1. Name of your Team: (Please nothing vulgar, PG-13 at least)
2. Name of players:
3. Ranks of Players: (In Same Order)

Feel free to join our discord to enter also:

We will update everyone on winners and prizes here.

Teams Entered:
1: The Smart Ones
2: Nerdscape Studios Gaming (NSG)
3: Avitium Esports
4: Brute Force Gaming
5: Newton International Gaming
7: SG Staff
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