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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Bundle

<div><p>Humble have launched a new Humble Bundle of interest to game developers, this one is the <a href="">Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning bundle</a>, a collection of e-books from Morgan &amp; Claypool Publishers.</p>
<p>As with all Humble Bundles it is split into tiers:</p>
<p><b>1$ Tier</b></p>
<p>· Human Computation</p>
<p>· Data-Intensive Text Processing with MapReduce</p>
<p>· Essentials of Game Theory: A Concise Multidisciplinary Introduction</p>
<p><b>8$ Tier</b></p>
<p>· Introduction to Intelligent Systems in Traffic and Transportation</p>
<p>· Metric Learning</p>
<p>· Statistical Relational Artificial Intelligence: Logic, Probability, and Computation</p>
<p>· Data Management in Machine Learning Systems</p>
<p>· Natural Language Processing for Social Media, Second Edition</p>
<p>· Covariances in Computer Vision and Machine Learning</p>
<p><b>15$ Tier</b></p>
<p>· Introduction to Semi-Supervised Learning</p>
<p>· Algorithms for Reinforcement Learning</p>
<p>· Active Learning</p>
<p>· Adversarial Machine Learning</p>
<p>· Lifelong Machine Learning, Second Edition</p>
<p>· Detecting Fake News on Social Media</p>
<p>· Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining</p>
<p>· Neural Network Methods for Natural Language Processing</p>
<p>· Creating Autonomous Vehicle Systems</p>
<p>· A Guide to Convolutional Neural Networks for Computer Vision</p>
<p align="left">With Humble Bundles you can decide how your money is allocated, between Humble, charity, the publisher and (thanks so much if you do!) to support GFS if you purchase <a href="">using this link</a>. Learn more about the bundle in the <a href="">video</a> below.</p>
<p align="center"><iframe width="853" height="480" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture">[embedded content]</iframe></p>
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