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Lack of Smart Delivery won’t prevent PS5 owners from playing Cyberpunk 2077

<div style="margin: 5px 5% 10px 5%;"><img src="" width="200" height="200" title="" alt="" /></div><div><p>Anybody who picks up a copy of <em>Cyberpunk 2077</em> on the PlayStation 4 will be granted a PlayStation 5 version when the next-gen console launches.&nbsp;</p>
<p>CD Projekt Red <a href="">confirmed the news on social media</a> after announcing the game would be delayed until November 19.</p>
<p>We’ve known for some time that Xbox One owners would eventually receive a souped up version of the title for the Xbox Series X via Microsoft’s cross-generation&nbsp;Smart Delivery initiative, but until now it was unclear how any potential PlayStation 5 upgrade would be handled.&nbsp;</p>
<p>Going into more detail on Twitter, the studio explained that “<em>Cyberpunk 2077</em> will be backwards compatible with both next-gen&nbsp;consoles. Your PS4 copy of the game will work on PS5 on launch day. Anyone who buys the game on Xbox One will be able to play their copy on the Xbox Series X when the console launches.”</p>
<p>The Polish developer added that a free next-gen hardware upgrade that allows <em>Cyberpunk</em> to “take full advantage” of both consoles extra firepower will be released at a later date, but confirmed the game will run better on next-gen machines from day one.&nbsp;</p>
<p>Sony has yet to announce&nbsp;a universal upgrade plan for titles that’ll be available on both the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5. Microsoft, by contrast, has <a href="">shared plenty of details about its Smart Delivery program</a>, which will also enable players to carry game progress from one console to another.</p>