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Hearthstone Scholomance Academy Card Reveal: Keymaster Alabaster

<p><a href="">Hearthstone</a>'s new <a href="">Scholomance Academy</a> expansion is coming on August 6, with a theme that takes you to a magical school. In the lore, the Kirin Tor mage Kel'Thuzad is doing dark experiments in the basement. But some at Scholomance stood up to the mage, like the character behind GameSpot's card reveal: <strong>Keymaster Alabaster</strong>.</p><figure data-align="center" data-size="large" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-3712412" data-ratio="1" data-width="2000" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 2000px"><a href=""><img alt="Keymaster Alabaster - Neutral Legendary for Hearthstone: Scholomance Academy" src="" srcset=" 2000w, 1280w, 960w" sizes="(max-width: 1280px) 100vw, 1280px" data-width="1280"></a><figcaption>Keymaster Alabaster - Neutral Legendary for Hearthstone: Scholomance Academy</figcaption></figure><p>Keymaster Alabaster is a late-game Neutral Legendary that can generate enormous amounts of value if your opponent can't remove him. Simply giving you a copy of your opponent's draws is already a big advantage by feeding you information about their hand, but it goes one step further by making your version of the card potentially cheaper. Simply playing Alabaster and passing to your opponent's turn will get you at least one cheap card from their deck, and if they can't remove it, you can make it two. If they have to dig for a solution to remove him, he'll just keep generating value.</p><p>The Neutral designation means Alabaster could appear in any deck, but he'll be especially potent in late-game Control decks that look to out-value your opponent, and ones that benefit from low-cost cards. That includes Rogue, which is always looking for more low-cost cards to act as triggers for its Combo effects. Drawing 1-cost spells can be especially effective for Priests and Mages, and synergizes well with the new <strong>Spellburst</strong> keyword.</p><a href="">Continue Reading at GameSpot</a>