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Destiny 2: Where Is Xur This Week? Exotic Items / Location Guide (Sept. 18-22)

<p><a href="">Destiny 2</a> continues to chug along with its extended season ahead of the release of <a href="">Beyond Light</a>, which means you have lots of opportunities to snag Exotics and other rewards before a lot of Destiny 2 content is vaulted with the new expansion. As always, that makes visiting Xur and buying new Exotics a good idea for bolstering your collection. Head to <b>Io, </b>to the <strong>Giant Scar</strong> area to find Xur this week. For his weapon, Xur is offering <strong>Riskrunner</strong>. Hunters can pick up the <strong>Young Ahamkara's Spine </strong>gauntlets; for Titans, there's the <b>Wormgod Caress </b>gauntlets; and for Warlocks, Xur has the <strong>Apotheosis Veil</strong> helmet.</p><h2>Xur Location</h2><figure data-align="center" data-size="large" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-3736262" data-ratio="0.563" data-width="1000" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 1000px"><a href=""><img alt="Look for a cave set into the cliff wall in Giant's Scar to find Xur hiding inside." src="" srcset=" 1000w, 480w" sizes="(max-width: 1000px) 100vw, 1000px" data-width="1000"></a><figcaption>Look for a cave set into the cliff wall in Giant's Scar to find Xur hiding inside.</figcaption></figure><p>Spawn in at the Giant's Scar transmat zone and hop on your sparrow to head north. You want to head up toward the northwest corner of the area, to the cliff wall at its edge. There, look for a cave entrance behind some Taken. Inside, head to the right to find Xur standing in the shadows.</p><h2>Xur Exotic Items</h2><p dir="ltr">Xur's weapon this week, Riskrunner, is a submachine gun you'll want in your collection. It's great for PvE situations when you're dealing with a lot of enemies that fire Arc weapons at you, like the Fallen--taking Arc damage overcharges the gun, making it an absolute bullet hose. But if you're not a fan of his other options, Xur also sells an Exotic engram that will decrypt into an Exotic you don't already own. He also has the Five of Swords challenge card, which lets you enable modifiers for Nightfall Strikes.</p><a href="">Continue Reading at GameSpot</a>