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Hands-On With Peek For Unity

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<p>In the next part in our going look at key extensions in the <a href="">Unity Game Dev Humble Bundle</a>, today we are looking at Peek from <a href="">Ludiq</a>. In previous features we have looked at <a href="">UModeler</a> and <a href="">Clayxels</a> if you are interested in learning more.</p>
<p>Peek is a powerful add-on the greatly changes the way you work with Unity, including features like:</p>
<li>Dynamic toolbars the replace the requirement for the Inspector windows</li>
<li>Pop up support on Ctrl+F replacing the need for the Hierarchy window</li>
<li>Sticky drag and drop</li>
<li>Quick reference inspection</li>
<li>Creator to quickly create and place objects and instances in your scene</li>
<li>Multi-object grouping</li>
<p>You can see Peek and most of these features in action in the <a href="">video </a>below (or <a href="">here on Odysee</a>). Peek is regularly $60 on the <a href="">Unity Asset Store</a> and is half that price (with dozens of other assets and games) in the current Bundle, expiring in 9 days.</p>
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