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Fortnite Wolverine Guide: How To Defeat Wolverine At Weeping Woods (Week 6)

<p><a href="">Fortnite's</a> Week 6 challenges are coming later this week. They include one of the most valuable and difficult Wolverine challenges to date: <strong>Eliminate Wolverine. </strong>This is a tough challenge that, once completed, will earn you the Wolverine skin, so it's well worth it. This guide will show you the best way to eliminate the Hugh Jackman Fortnite cosplayer with ease.</p><p>This challenge leaked early; check back on Thursday to try it yourself when it's live in Fortnite.</p><h3><strong>How Do I Eliminate Wolverine?</strong></h3><p>Wolverine spawns somewhere in Weeping Woods every match--he doesn't have a single location. Some players have found him in the southern half of the area more often, though. It's best to land near one of the main buildings in the area and loot up before going to find him. Grab a truck from one of the nearby parking lots and then drive around the woods until you locate the yellow-clad NPC.</p><a href="">Continue Reading at GameSpot</a>