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Fortnitemares Challenges Ended Earlier Than Planned

<p><a href="">Fortnite</a>'s Halloween-themed <a href="">Fortnitemares challenges</a> have ended a little earlier than originally planned. The official Fortnite Status Twitter account announced that the special Halloween challenges had to be pulled a day early "due to an issue."</p><p>Developer Epic didn't share any further details on what the issue in question is, but it did note that it plans to compensate players for ending the challenges early. "We apologize for the inconvenience and are working on a make good plan for affected players," the studio said via Twitter.</p><div data-embed-type="tweet" data-src=""><blockquote align="center" class="twitter-tweet" data-conversation="none" data-mce-disable-toolbar="true"><p dir="ltr">Due to an issue, our Fortnitemares Challenges have ended a day early. We apologize for the inconvenience and are working on a make good plan for affected players.<br />We will update everyone when we have more information.</p> — Fortnite Status (@FortniteStatus) <a href="^tfw">November 2, 2020</a></blockquote><text></text></div><p>Although the Fortnitemares challenges are now over, there's still a lot happening in the battle royale game this week. Epic is introducing <a href="">Ghost Rider</a> to Fortnite this Wednesday, November 4, as part of its latest Marvel Knockout Super Series tournament. Players who place high enough during the competition will unlock the character skin for free, while everyone else will be able to purchase it in the game's item shop for $20 USD some time after the tournament.</p><a href="">Continue Reading at GameSpot</a>