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Mastering Animation by CRC Press Humble Bundle

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<p>There is another Humble Bundle of interest to game developers, the <a href="">Mastering Animation by CRC Press</a> bundle. This is a collection of e-books around the concept of animation, from traditional to digital, comics, manga and anime, as well as animation related subjects such as legal and writing. The bundle is organized into the following tiers:</p>
<li>Dream Worlds: Production Design for Animation</li>
<li>Animate to Harmony: The Independent Animator’s Guide to Toon Boom</li>
<li>Voice Over for Animation</li>
<li>Layout and Composition for Animation</li>
<li>Frame by Frame Stop Motion</li>
<li>How to Make Animated Films</li>
<li>Animation from Pencils to Pixels</li>
<li>Designing Sound for Animation</li>
<li>The Art of Fluid Animation</li>
<li>Hybrid Animation: Integrating 2D and 3D Assets</li>
<li>Reel Success: Creating Demo Reels and Animation Portfolios</li>
<li>Acting and Performance for Animations</li>
<li>Animated Life</li>
<li>Making Toons That Sell without Selling Out</li>
<li>Writing for Animation, Comics and Games</li>
<li>Directing for Animation</li>
<li>Acting and Character Animation</li>
<li>Animation in China</li>
<li>The Pocket Lawyer for Comic Book Creators</li>
<li>Animation: From Concept to Production</li>
<li>Independent Animation</li>
<li>Comics for Film, Games and Animation</li>
<li>Japanese Visual Culture</li>
<li>Lighting for Animation</li>
<p>All books are provided in PDF, EPUB and PRC(?) formats. As with all Humble Bundles you can decide how the proceeds are allocated between Humble, the Publisher, charity and if you so choose (and thanks if you do!) to support GFS <a href="">using this link</a>. You can learn more about the bundle in the <a href="">video </a>below.</p>
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