Sick Gaming

Full Version: [Preview] Black Ops 4 Zombies | 1.24 PS4! Trainer | Play with Friends via Xlink
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[Image: e354c6c6bf4ad9ce32e2aebdba3332a4.png]

[Image: ab8d5744a0f828dad5ff51d46fa6938c.png]

Click here to view the original image of 753x366px.
[Image: 86d8ebc1aa78572ffe89ed792f197adf.png]

Click here to view the original image of 816x465px.
[Image: b8671bcb742ca94ca56f78009e9ae885.png]

NOTE! This is a preview only right now. This will be released free when its finished.

PS4 Only! This is a port of my private trainer from PC BO4

Its not ready yet for release, Im not sure when just yet but its coming.

You can play with friends on a retail PS4 and play in modded lobbies together using this.

Im attempting to get set xp for other players. + Have a systemlink game count as a online game so ranking up is possible. If successful this will not be free, It will be added to the trainer but for that addition this will be paid content.

Many more features need adding so i will update this thread with whats new. [Image: emo5.png]

This has been created using TylerMods PS4 Trainer for mutiple games, I have updated the tool featuring BO4 latest update cheats + Crashbandicoot NSane Trilogy. Which i will release together with BO4 Trainer when BO4`s trainer is ready.

All credit for the tool goes to TylerMods, i dont think he is registered on here so i cannot link his username.

Im releasing this free because its PS4 lol, + not OP features are in it (Yet) but the OP features will be paid!

The tabs i didnt show you are not completed yet thats why i only show you the tab name

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(11-04-2020, 09:15 PM)SickProdigy Wrote: [ -> ][Image: e354c6c6bf4ad9ce32e2aebdba3332a4.png]

[Image: ab8d5744a0f828dad5ff51d46fa6938c.png]

Click here to view the original image of 753x366px.
[Image: 86d8ebc1aa78572ffe89ed792f197adf.png]

Click here to view the original image of 816x465px.
[Image: b8671bcb742ca94ca56f78009e9ae885.png]

NOTE! This is a preview only right now. This will be released free when its finished.

PS4 Only! This is a port of my private trainer from PC BO4

Its not ready yet for release, Im not sure when just yet but its coming.

You can play with friends on a retail PS4 and play in modded lobbies together using this.

Im attempting to get set xp for other players. + Have a systemlink game count as a online game so ranking up is possible. If successful this will not be free, It will be added to the trainer but for that addition this will be paid content.

Many more features need adding so i will update this thread with whats new. [Image: emo5.png]

This has been created using TylerMods PS4 Trainer for mutiple games, I have updated the tool featuring BO4 latest update cheats + Crashbandicoot NSane Trilogy. Which i will release together with BO4 Trainer when BO4`s trainer is ready.

All credit for the tool goes to TylerMods, i dont think he is registered on here so i cannot link his username.

Im releasing this free because its PS4 lol, + not OP features are in it (Yet) but the OP features will be paid!

The tabs i didnt show you are not completed yet thats why i only show you the tab name

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(11-04-2020, 09:15 PM):unamused:SickProdigy Wrote: [ -> ][Image: e354c6c6bf4ad9ce32e2aebdba3332a4.png]

[Image: ab8d5744a0f828dad5ff51d46fa6938c.png]

Click here to view the original image of 753x366px.
[Image: 86d8ebc1aa78572ffe89ed792f197adf.png]

Click here to view the original image of 816x465px.
[Image: b8671bcb742ca94ca56f78009e9ae885.png]

NOTE! This is a preview only right now. This will be released free when its finished.

PS4 Only! This is a port of my private trainer from PC BO4

Its not ready yet for release, Im not sure when just yet but its coming.

You can play with friends on a retail PS4 and play in modded lobbies together using this.

Im attempting to get set xp for other players. + Have a systemlink game count as a online game so ranking up is possible. If successful this will not be free, It will be added to the trainer but for that addition this will be paid content.

Many more features need adding so i will update this thread with whats new. [Image: emo5.png]

This has been created using TylerMods PS4 Trainer for mutiple games, I have updated the tool featuring BO4 latest update cheats + Crashbandicoot NSane Trilogy. Which i will release together with BO4 Trainer when BO4`s trainer is ready.

All credit for the tool goes to TylerMods, i dont think he is registered on here so i cannot link his username.

Im releasing this free because its PS4 lol, + not OP features are in it (Yet) but the OP features will be paid!

The tabs i didnt show you are not completed yet thats why i only show you the tab name

[Hidden by Hide Mod]
(11-04-2020, 09:15 PM)SickProdigy Wrote: [ -> ][Image: e354c6c6bf4ad9ce32e2aebdba3332a4.png]

[Image: ab8d5744a0f828dad5ff51d46fa6938c.png]

Click here to view the original image of 753x366px.
[Image: 86d8ebc1aa78572ffe89ed792f197adf.png]

Click here to view the original image of 816x465px.
[Image: b8671bcb742ca94ca56f78009e9ae885.png]

NOTE! This is a preview only right now. This will be released free when its finished.

PS4 Only! This is a port of my private trainer from PC BO4

Its not ready yet for release, Im not sure when just yet but its coming.

You can play with friends on a retail PS4 and play in modded lobbies together using this.

Im attempting to get set xp for other players. + Have a systemlink game count as a online game so ranking up is possible. If successful this will not be free, It will be added to the trainer but for that addition this will be paid content.

Many more features need adding so i will update this thread with whats new. [Image: emo5.png]

This has been created using TylerMods PS4 Trainer for mutiple games, I have updated the tool featuring BO4 latest update cheats + Crashbandicoot NSane Trilogy. Which i will release together with BO4 Trainer when BO4`s trainer is ready.

All credit for the tool goes to TylerMods, i dont think he is registered on here so i cannot link his username.

Im releasing this free because its PS4 lol, + not OP features are in it (Yet) but the OP features will be paid!

The tabs i didnt show you are not completed yet thats why i only show you the tab name

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