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GDevelop Game Engine Revisted

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<p>We first looked at the GDevelop game engine back in 2017 in our <a href="">Closer Look Game Engine series</a>. In the intervening years, GDevelop 5 has come a long way, bringing more and more features to this impressive open source cross platform 2D game engine. In the past year there have been over a dozen new beta releases to the engine including several community contributions. There have also been some updates as a result of the <a href="">2020 Google Summer of Code</a>. While many of these releases aren’t large enough to justify a video, taken as a whole it is certainly time to revisit this game engine and the improvements it has seen.</p>
<p>Some of the highlights of <a href="">recent releases</a> include:</p>
<li>add support for a new asset store with hundreds of ready made game objects</li>
<li>new analytics system without requiring a third party solution</li>
<li>better support for right to left languages</li>
<li>support for dynamic 2D lights</li>
<li>customizable keyboard shortcuts</li>
<li>peer to peer communication extension</li>
<li>live preview (hot reloading) support</li>
<li>command palette for quickly launching editors</li>
<li>new editor themes</li>
<p>These are just a few highlights of the dozens of releases over the last few months. If you are interested in checking out GDevelop it’s available for Windows, Mac, Linux and Online. It is also an open source project with the <a href="">source code available on GitHub</a> under the MIT open source license. If you want to learn more or run into problems, be sure to check out their <a href="">Discord server</a>. You can learn more about GDevelop and see it in action in the <a href="">video </a>below.</p>
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