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Xbox Wire - Online FPS Warface is Coming Soon to Xbox One - Printable Version

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Xbox Wire - Online FPS Warface is Coming Soon to Xbox One - xSicKxBot - 07-08-2018

Online FPS Warface is Coming Soon to Xbox One

<div><div class="media_block"><img src="" class="media_thumbnail"></div>
<p>Dear friends! We’re thrilled to announce that the critically-acclaimed online free-to-play FPS <strong><em>Warface</em></strong> is well on its way to Xbox! Welcome to a massive community with millions of fans all over the world and get ready for a fight!</p>
<p>How did we earn this recognition? There’s no universal answer, as each individual player finds their share of fun in this dynamic and action-packed shooter. For example, a large share of our community is inseparable from PVE content: you can always embark on a short co-op mission or launch a full-scale raid against the devouring hordes controlled by a cunning AI. Tread carefully and dare not underestimate these enemies: a single AI marksman or heavy infantry unit can wipe out your entire squad in the blink of an eye. At higher difficulties the armored personnel carriers and turrets won’t go down to your regular small arms fire, and will require the coordination and teamwork only a tight-knit unit can provide!</p>
<p><img class="lazyload alignnone size-full wp-image-96496" src="" alt="Warface Screenshot" width="1920" height="1080"/></p>
<p><noscript><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-96496" src="" alt="Warface Screenshot" width="1920" height="1080"/></noscript></p>
<p>Accuracy and individual skill are undeniable advantages, though nothing beats a reliable ally that you can always trust to watch your six. We’ve been cultivating the teamplay mechanics for years in <em>Warface</em>: if you’re going up against a tall obstacle, you need to do a co-op climb. Took a heavy hit to an armor plate? Holler at your nearby Engineer to replace it. Need to get patched up? We’re all getting that mental image and a voice in our heads shouting “Medic!” — all the aforementioned is hardwired into the game, or otherwise encouraged by the existing gameplay features and mechanics. Team up on your way to victory!</p>
<p>Looking for engaging PVP action? Dive right in! Choose any of the game modes and be deployed to one of the multitude of maps, each with a unique feel supplemented by weather conditions, climate or time of the day. Our competitive community is always looking for another soldier to join the fight — whether it’s personal and individual challenges, or competitive 5-on-5 gameplay. Make your way up the Ranked ladder, fight for the right to be in the First League and claim the ultimate prize: unique stripes to be featured on your profile, setting your achievement in stone for everyone to see in every match you play!</p>
<p><img class="lazyload alignnone size-full wp-image-96498" src="" alt="Warface Screenshot" width="1920" height="1080"/></p>
<p><noscript><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-96498" src="" alt="Warface Screenshot" width="1920" height="1080"/></noscript></p>
<p>By the way, unique marks, badges and stripes are just a small part of the whole customization system at your disposal. You can modify the look of your character, your weapon and even its parts right as you duck for cover amid a gunfight! Character appearance is first-based on your class and can be further enhanced by body skins– a true collector’s heaven!</p>
<p>These are but some reasons to grab a gun and give it a shot. We’re looking forward to the day you enlist in the elite <strong><em>Warface</em></strong> squad and answer the call to arms against the equally enigmatic and ambitious corporation: Blackwood. Better start packing, first squads are getting deployed in September 2018! See you on board, soldiers!</p>