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[Oracle Blog] Java Magazine on Containers - Printable Version

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[Oracle Blog] Java Magazine on Containers - xSicKxBot - 01-27-2020

Java Magazine on Containers

<p>By Java Magazine Editor Andrew Binstock</p>

<p>In our <a href=";pageSet=0&amp;page=0&amp;contentItem=0" target="_blank">previous issue</a>, we explored the use of lightweight frameworks&mdash; Javalin, Micronaut, and Helidon&mdash;to create microservices, which typically are deployed in the cloud. In that issue&rsquo;s article on Helidon, we also showed how to package a service into a Docker container for deployment.</p>

<p>In this <a href="" target="_blank">issue</a>, we continue the theme by examining how to build apps with containers in mind and how to deploy containers. For straight Java apps, the jlink and jdeps tools are excellent solutions for creating modularized, small, self-contained apps. We discuss how to use those tools on <a href=";pageSet=25&amp;page=0" target="_blank">page 25</a>.</p>

<p>If very fast startup time is a concern, then consider the GraalVM platform. It is written in Java but compiles Java code to an executable format. We&rsquo;ve discussed GraalVM in past issues, but <a href=";pageSet=41&amp;page=0&amp;contentItem=0" target="_blank">this article</a> focuses on the latest features and their use in creating small executables with native-code startup speed. Finally, if you&rsquo;re straddling the Dev and Ops sides of DevOps, you surely have seen that most containers are managed with the open source Kubernetes platform.</p>

<p>In our lead feature, we give you a full introduction to Kubernetes and all the information you need to start working with managing your containerized apps. In addition, we explore what&rsquo;s new in the recent release of <a href=";pageSet=52&amp;page=0&amp;contentItem=0" target="_blank">Java 12</a>, and we examine a major upgrade to Java Card, which in all senses is the very smallest container for a Java app.</p>

<p>In addition, we have our usual <a href=";pageSet=68&amp;page=0&amp;contentItem=0" target="_blank">quiz</a> and our events calendar. Finally, future issues of this magazine will look materially different from what you&rsquo;re used to. Please see the editorial in this issue for details</p>