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News - BETA: BEDROCK (XBOX ONE / WINDOWS 10 / ANDROID) - Printable Version

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News - BETA: BEDROCK (XBOX ONE / WINDOWS 10 / ANDROID) - xSicKxBot - 06-14-2020


<div style="margin: 5px 5% 10px 5%;"><img src="" width="16" height="16" title="" alt="" /></div><div><div><img src="" class="ff-og-image-inserted"></div>
<p>We draw closer to the release of the Nether Update.&nbsp; We see some fixes for some more of those pesky crashes as well some hang-ups when trying to open certain words.</p>
<p>Remember that only those on Xbox One / Windows 10 / and Android may participate in the Beta builds.&nbsp; You will not be able to join Realms or non-beta players worlds and you will not be able to open worlds opened in the Beta in earlier/current stable builds of Bedrock.</p>
<p><strong>Performance and Stability</strong></p>
<li>Fixed several crashes that could occur during gameplay</li>
<li>Fixed a crash that could occur when attempting to create world with the Tropical City Resort mash-up pack</li>
<li>Fixed an issue that could cause a hang on start up when trying to open certain worlds</li>
<li>Fixed an issue with projectiles being destroyed prematurely if they didn’t deal damage. This is now optional with the addition of 2 new flags to the projectile&nbsp;</li>
<li>Fixed an issue that could cause chests to generate without loot&nbsp;<a href="">MCPE-69003</a>&nbsp;</li>
<li>Fixed rendering issues while riding a mount</li>
<p><strong>Add-Ons and Scripting</strong></p>
<li>Fixed an issue that could occur when the movement component is removed, meaning that a mob’s speed has to ramp up from 0 again</li>
<li>Changes to components:&nbsp;<em>set_last_hurt_requires_damage</em>&nbsp;and&nbsp;<em>destroy_on_hit_requires_damage</em>. Each defaulting to true to respect old behavior, but can now be set to false if it is desired to have a projectile that is destroyed even when it doesn’t deal damage</li>
<li>Added new overload for&nbsp;/replaceitem&nbsp;with an option for&nbsp;destroy&nbsp;(the old behavior) or&nbsp;keep&nbsp;(the command will return an error if an item occupies that slot)</li>
<li>Fixed a bug where a mob wouldn’t delete its goal if all goals were trying to be removed</li>
<li>Fixed spamming of particles, sounds, and events for looped, non-zero-length animations with timelines</li>
<li>Fixed a syntax error issue when running the /xp command with levels</li>
<li>Fixed an issue with “A Nightmare in Candyland” map which was no longer teleporting players correctly&nbsp;</li>