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Video: Here’s How Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Looks Running At 4K, 60FPS

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<p>Earlier this month, we shared a YouTube video from site user SnazzyAI which showed off <a href="">the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2’s reveal trailer in glorious 4K</a>. Now, they’re back with a similar look at the fighting beast that is <a href=""><strong>Super Smash Bros. Ultimate</strong></a>.</p>
<p>Just like before, this video aims to replicate how a theoretical, higher-performance Switch console – such as <a href="">the rumoured, 4K-ready model</a> – would display our favourite titles. SnazzyAI has taken a trailer that was originally at 1080p/30FPS and used AI upscaling and interpolation to produce a 4K/60FPS version, which you can check out for yourself above (as long as you have a device that can display 4K, of course).</p>
<p>SnazzyAI says that any updated Switch console would likely use an upscaling method like this to hit 4K rather than boasting the feature natively, and while such a console hasn’t even been confirmed yet, we’d have to agree that this does sound like the most likely way that Nintendo would enter the 4K space, if at all.</p>
<p>Either way, seeing Mario and the gang strut their stuff in 4K is a treat to behold. Let us know what you think in the comments.</p>