Sick Gaming

Full Version: Updates 4/12/22 :eyes:
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Hello everyone,
just touching base on some updates.

Have added a serversboard to the main page. Custom coded. (Still in editing)
- The Serversboard will link to official servers supported by
All new smilies to match apple/facebook/twitter emojis.

To use :smiling:

When you post a reply or thread, you will see the option to use the new smilies to the left!

Hope you guys enjoy!

:seenoevil: :hearnoevil: :speaknoevil:

:smiling: :grinning: :smilingopenhands: :relieved: :savoring: :halo: :upsidedown: :winking: :laughing: Cool :nerd: :woozy: :neutral: :unamused: :confused: :hushed: :handovermouth: :confounded: :rollingeyes: :worried: :yawning: :angry: :cursing: :seenoevil: :speaknoevil: :hearnoevil: :cowboy: :frowning-devil: :smilingdevil: :anxiouswithsweat: :crossedouteyes: :frowning: :squintingtongue: :monocle: :baby: :pensive: :pleading: :partying: :eye: :eyes: :face-with-head-bandage: :raisedeyebrow: :nosesteam: :screaminginfear: :drooling: :lying: :waving: :thumbsup: :raisedhand: :love-you-gesture: :ok: :clappinghands: :tongue: :dizzy: :crown: :dashing-away: :hundred: :ghost: :poop: :rockon: :brain: :pinchedfingers: :collision: :backhand-index-pointing-up: :bomb: :explodinghead: :callme: :zzz: :cold: :pinchinghand: :backhand-index-pointing-down: :index-pointing-up: :thumbs-down: :nauseated: :sleeping: :alienmonster: :smirking: :alien: :openmouth: :raisinghands: :vomiting: :frowningopenmouth: :middlefinger: :zippermouth: :veryangry: :weary: :loveletter: :disguised: :flexed-bicep: :peace: :robot: :crying: :sweatdroplets: :mouth: :sneezing: :hot: :moneymouth: :crossedfingers: :angersymbol: :backhand-index-pointing-right: :skullandcrossbones: :foldedhands: :raisedfist: :grinningcat: :flushed: :skull: :grimacing: :backhand-index-pointing-left: :purple-heart: :brown-heart: :kissmark: :smilinghearteyes: :smilingfacehearts: :redheart: :yellowheart: :blueheart: :orangeheart: :greenheart: :blackheart: :whiteheart: :revolving-hearts: :twohearts: :heartwitharrow: :brokenheart:

Also recoded some of the colors on the index and showthread pages. Hopefully will bring a more eye popping effect.

Please let me know how you guys like it!